A new Internet-project, intended to satisfy most full and qualitatively inexhaustible need of the person in work and in increasing of his well-being, is created and functions in virtual space.
Our purpose is to satisfy this need absolutely and qualitatively, solving this question by being a link between the employer and the mercenary; providing a full complex of necessary servicess: from searching and signing of the contract up to registration of all documents demanded for realization of the given question, thus taking the responsibility for observance of the rights and interests of our citizens aBRoad by means of our available and expanding communications from the moment of signing the contract and till its end and homecoming of our citizens or up to the moment of reception of new citizenship by our compatriot or its voluntary refusal of our patronage.
A constantly filled up list of necessary work vocations offered for choice for a potential worker on labour market is placed on the site http://vbt-ruskom.narod.ru. There is all necessary information about the country, operating, conditions and residing there.
We are ready and glad for long-term cooperation with all employers who are ready to give and place information, necessary for satisfaction of our main aim - most full and qualitatively satisfy inquiries about employment of our citizens and observance of their rights and interests on our site http://vbt-ruskom.narod.ru.
We are also ready to consider points of realization aBRoad high-quality works of Russian artists and handicraftsmen who lives and creates in Russia.
We are ready to consider all your offers on the mutually advantageous cooperation which doesn't contradict with our main aim. We shall be glad to your reference to our e-mail: KashinSK@rambler.ru.